Thursday, July 11, 2013

Michelle Knight Update (Family VIDEO) *Disturbing*

Her family member never knew she was missing initially and can't recall exactly what relation she is to Michelle Knight. 


  1. How can this woman not know her relationship to Michelle???? Geez......... Leave this young woman alone.......

  2. If her family does not know how they are related to Michelle; then how about they stay out of her life!!! Sad that this would be stated on record for everyone to hear/see that they have or had forgotten about her and some family members don't even know they are related to her.

  3. And how can a mother move all the way to Florida with a missing daughter!! Now that Michelle Knight is in the news and worth $$$ they are all coming out of the cracks looking for a hand out. Yes they all need to leave Michelle alone! Even the mother stated in a video that she had no pictures of Michelle, but yet at the same time she said she posted "Missing" pics all over the area...I doubt it.

  4. Hi Girls my special love and prayers go out to you. I am here in Cape town South Africa and have followed your story special love to Jocelyn may god continue to give you all strength and courage. xxx

  5. Michelle is proof of prayer, her fake fam should go back under the rock that crawled from. Its sick and cold hearted she'll be fine without those serpants.

  6. Michelle's family are scum and should just leave her alone. They disgust me really. Heartless parasites! You hang in there Michelle. You are an inspiration. Much love.

  7. Her grandmother continued to collect her SS checks for yrs after her abduction. They truly are real scum. None of them looked for her or even bothered with being caring to her until they thought theyd get a little bit of tv time. I bet theyre sorry now that she has money and a whole world of ppl who do truly care! Shame on each and every last one of you! The Universe has witnessed your actions and none of you will be able to hide when time comes to pay your dues. And to her Grandmother personally; you shoukd have bought a razor with the ss checks you stole and shaved that disgusting hair off your fat face! Your a pig and I being a grandmother myself, woukd have never stopped looking! You desrve everything dark and gloomy you have coming to you..your actions will show when you die and your grave is always flowerless and unkept!
    Michelle you are a true hero to me! To come from such a raw uncaring family and go thru what you did and still shine as bright as you do today shows the world how truly strong an Angel you are! I wish you the brightest blessings today and everyday!


Leave a message for Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Michele Knight

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